lawyer Real estate, immigration, corporate. Abogado inmobiliario, migración, derecho corporativo Opciones de servicio:
- Citas online
- Servicios en las instalaciones Servicios: Aseos Clientela:
- Amigable con la comunidad LGTBI+
- Espacio seguro para personas transgénero What is the closing process to acquire a property in Mexico?
The first steps for all real estate transactions are: Offer to Purchase, Due Diligence, Promissory Agreement, choosing a purchase method, execution of the Title, delivery of the documents duly registered by the Public Registry of Property. To obtain more details please click here
What is a Legal Due Diligence of the Property? It means to verify the ownership of the property; check that building permits, taxes and other applicable fees or rights are up-to-date; to obtain the certificate of no lien and/or other applicable documents that will certify that the property has no liens, encumbrances, or limitations of ownership.
No olvide que la información completa sobre Tapia & Marquez en Playa Del Carmen siempre puede encontrar en el sitio web oficial, en la oficina de la empresa o llamandoles por teléfono ↓
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